We can distinguish new media from old media by taking a look at what is obsolete and what is not. New media involves all the applications that allow users to multi-task and even communicate with others at the same time. Of course, there are some old media that allowed us to communicate with others such as regular mail and newspapers, which by the way are still being used. New media on the other hand is less time consuming and you can have access to more than one component at a time. With new media, users can have access to information at their convenience as long as they have access to the internet.
Most of what is new media today is found on the internet, so if something is not on the internet it is pretty much considered old media. New media also enables communication, collaboration, community, creativity and convergence; I’m not sure how much community and convergence one can create with a newspaper.
Why Do Chickens Take Dirt Baths
[image: Why do chickens take dirt baths]
Why do chickens take dirt baths
Dust baths are important to keep parasites at bay and to clean the
feathers. The...
6 months ago
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